5 Fun Earth Day Activities For Kids

Posted by Jennifer Carles on Friday, April 22nd, 2022 at 1:00 PM
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Earth Day is TODAY and normally events are held worldwide to demonstrate support for our environment!

Here are 5 fun and easy at-home activities to do with your kiddos as a reminder to slow down and appreciate the bounty of our beautiful planet!

Peanut Butter & Pine Cone Bird Feeder~ You only need 4 components: a pine cone, peanut butter, twine, and bird seed. First, tie twine to top of pine cone to use later to hang your bird feeder. Next, using a spoon or knife, spread a thick layer of peanut butter all over the pine cone. Then, roll it around in the seed, making sure to press the seeds into the peanut butter and hang in your favorite tree!

Make Recycled Paper~ This slightly messy project requires some patience and preparation, but it’s not tricky and the process is worth exploring.

Supplies- Screen, Large Tub, Washcloth/rag/burp cloth/large piece of felt, Water, Torn paper from newspaper, tissue paper, magazines, etc. and a Blender Steps– Shred the paper up into little pieces (roughly 2″ square). Add paper to the blender, cover it with water, and run the blender on a low speed. (add more water if the blender doesn’t move easily) Continue to run the blender a little bit faster until you get the paper mixture into a nice, smooth pulp and add more water if your pulp is still chunky. Spread the pulp in a thin and uniform layer across the screen and cover this with a rag or cloth diaper to absorb the extra water, while also pushing the water through the screen into the tub. Place one hand firmly on top of the cloth and then flip the screen over onto a work surface. Remove the screen and put the cloth plus paper pulp in a spot where it could dry, undisturbed, for about a day. The thicker the paper, the longer it will take to dry.

Rainbow Scavenger Hunt~ Toddlers and preschoolers will a lot of fun playing this game that’s all about learning and searching for the colors of the rainbow. All you need is a camera and some time. To play, start with the color red. When your little one spots something red, snap a photo of it. Then look for something orange, and so on. Not only will they be learning the rainbow, but you’ll be tuning our eyes toward objects in your neighborhood and your local environment.

Mud Pie Kitchen~ This is a favorite for little boys!  Go through your kitchen or head to Goodwill to find cheap pots, pans and cooking utensils. Then set aside a place in your back yard garden to be the dirt pile and make an area for working on such as an old play table or unused plastic crates. Set up the hose or buckets of water near your new mud kitchen and let their creativity flow!

Recycled Garden Collages~ Here’s a way to bring a beautiful garden indoors! Start by discussing things you might find outside like flowers, fences, bugs and more. Then collect cardboard food boxes, straws and lids to create a fun flower filled garden like the one pictured below!


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